I tried (emphasize "tried") to take a nap this afternoon. My two beloved dogs decided to bark at everything that walked by the house on this hint-of-Spring day. So I brought them upstairs with me to sleep. Now, they were quiet. Sort of. Bella went out like a light after playing in the backyard for two hours. She was sleeping deeply. So deeply she was snoring. Granted, they were somewhat lady-like gentle snores, but snores none the less. But with her insistence of putting her head near mine, the sound was nearly as equivalent to the previously noted loud barking.
Actually, snoring is not a newly developed skill for Bella. On one of her first days with us as an 11-week old puppy, she snored. Which was quite funny coming from a dog so small and young. I guess it's just one of the idiosyncracies that make Bella, Bella.