This fall I've had a skunk problem. One apparently thinks that the perfect home is under my deck. The same deck that happens to be right outside the kitchen and family room. Both dogs have gotten a direct hit to the face, but Bella seems especially susceptible to going after this smelly critter. The smell is unbearable - some horrific combination of burnt rubber, vomit, feces, and rot. Because it an oil-based spray, water does nothing. You also need to clean your dog immediately as understandably they want the smell gone and will rub their face and nose on anything to rid themselves of it. This means your couch, your carpet, you. And that just transfers the oil and the smell to another place.
I found online a great mixture to cut and eliminate the smell. Combine relatively equal parts of hydrogen pyroxide, Dawn dishwashing liquid, and baking soda. I realize the dishwashing soap cuts the oil and the other ingredients must combine to also cut it or the smell.
It worked.
I washed Bella's face with a wash cloth and the mixture then rinsed with water thoroughly. The first pass cut the smell enormously - almost entirely. A second application did away with it completely.
So forget the tomato sauce (unless you like a skunky tomato smell) and try this concoction. It works great!
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