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Pat Gunder

Excellent! We have a lot of these cabinets in our area...As a Realtor I am often asked how these could be salvaged or dressed up...You have the answer! I own a rental that I am planning on using this on! Thanks! Great idea!


I don't see how this is "inexpensive" 3500 bucks is a lot of money no matter where you're at...yeesh.


@Shan - Because it can cost over $10,000 to get just cabinets for a kitchen. My kitchen is 11X11 and a home improvement store quoted me on the cheap white cabinets that they sell in stock would be $12,000 just for the cabinets nothings else.


I want to know how to do it and have not found it here.


Joanne, this post was about a service that can do it for you. But if you paint your cabinets an off-white and then use some antiquing glaze, you'll get close to the same effect. Ask for specific advice on paints and equipment at a reliable paint store.

Marilyn Statum

Wonderful idea. I have the exact same doors and will do this when I am ready to paint them. Also, you can buy the kits to get this look at most home improvement stores, around $150.00 per kit.

Sally jenkins

Don't care how much ridiculousness people spend on their kitchen!!!! Thats like saying its good to get a plane for 50,000 bc there are some that cost 500,000.Relativity.cmon.If you can say 3500 is cheap for anything besides a house, youre better off than over half of america and should count your blessings.As well asd if you can spend 11,000 on a new kitchen.

Shiloh Barkley

I'm painting my cabinets righ now myself...supplies, paint an elbow grease...about $100.


I just repainted my cabinets for under $50. General finishes java gel stain. One pint was $22 (I think you can get it cheapernd you order online) minimal sanding and then a pint of polyurethane.



I featured this project of yours on my blog :)
Love it!

Josette Kramer

I painted my own cabinets. They look great, and added hardware. This was over 10 years ago and they are still great. You need to make sure prep work is done and the right paint.
It cost about $100.00 in all. I wouldn't spend that much money on having my cabinets done by a professional because it always ends up being more.


geez ladies, if you think this makeover costs too much, don't do it.

We all have different ideas about what is expensive and what is reasonable. Anyone can adapt and idea to their needs/budget with a little elbow grease, ingenuity and effort. I have been a designer for over 25 years and it was my job to fit the client's budget and style. I have managed dozens of makeovers in all price ranges.
This doesn't require a professional, it requires a desire on your part to MAKE it happen.

You can do this makeover by spending $100, $1000 or $10,000.

ok I am done.

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