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Julie Lohmeier

I don't know if you would like this, but what about a soft yellow? Something bright and cheery but not too gold and not too dark. Yellows can be tricky so you may want to test a sample first. And see if any local craft or decorating stores have some laundry art. Sometimes you can find some framed art with a picture of a wash board or clothes line or something. Could add some interest in addition to the color and white piles. :)

I have a laundry room that has no windows. I've thought of painting an open window mural with a lovely outside scene on one wall just to "open" it up. But I'm not sure my talent for drawing is up for the task and I can't afford a muralist right now, but if you're artistic or have a friend who is, it's another idea to turn a ho-hum room into something special. (Another thought is there may be an Internet site that sells "murals" that are like clings. I'll do a bit of research.)

Julie Lohmeier

Here's a mural like I had envisioned. And the price is right too at only $29.95. See it at http://www.muralsuperstore.com/GARDENWINDOW.htm

Julie Lohmeier

I was actually thinking of yellow myself. I just painted our Master BR in a warm-tone
yellow & really like it; pairs nicely with our Cherry-wood bedroom suite.

Our laundry room is 5x8; no window. The laundry room is also a home
for a covered litter-box and our golden retriever's food storage bin.

I am not only directionally challenged, but also have interior decorating challenges.

Thanks again,

Terri Appelhans

I have a similar situation in a windowless laundry room. I love the idea of a window-like mural. When we finished our basement we put beach scenes in the window wells (poly-coated) with dyed recycled tire "gravel/sand" on the bottom. It adds so much to the ambiance!

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