My own dining room is red - merlot red, with varnish stripes. I love it (even though the drapes still aren't done). It's formal and warm at the same time. I did some research and found out that is exactly why red dining rooms are so popular. The warm red color creates an intimage and inviting atmosphere where people feel relaxed, comfortable, and sociable. I can attest to the fact that our dining room often finds itself full after a big meal holiday meal with several groups lingering to talk about both light-hearted and serious topics. In addition, a deep red color stimulates the appetite (and I figured we just had better food when we ate in the dining room!). But the experts claim both of these facts are why red is a continually popular color for dining rooms - and one that never goes out of style. So from persimmon to a deep blooded burgundy, don't be afraid to go red. It's beautiful and practical. (The picture comes from a woman who did it all with careful shopping - incredible. Share your appreciation of her talent here.)