I had heard about using leather as a wall covering from two different My Home Redux readers. I had to check it out. What I discovered was luxury on luxury. This is simply a warm, luxurious wall treatment unmatched in elegance. I didn't realize you could also use leather as a floor tile, but alas, you can. I found a picture of it used on the floor of a master bedroom - sensual beyond belief.
I suppose you could use imitiation leather or suede, but I would be sure that's it's a high-grade faux leather to preserve this wonderful look. The installation instructions I found suggested gluing the leather right onto your drywall. Tacking it and then covering seams with molding may be a better solution. (If you ever take glued leather down, be prepared to totally replace your drywall.) This site also sells leather wrapped moldings as well as providing many options and instructions. I couldn't find a price though so buyer beware!
All I can say is the richness of this is beyond comparison. Someday I had dreamed of panelling our study with cherry. When that day comes, I may need to consider leather instead.
If you have done leather wrapped walls, tell me about it in email or comments. I'd love to hear about your experience.